A NETWORK of sports coaches, educators, mentors, and experts leverage their extensive personal and professional networks to quickly identify top employees for the businesses we partner with, tapping into their connections, industry knowledge, and expertise to source qualified candidates for various job positions.
WE HELP job seekers discover their dream jobs by recognizing their career aspirations based on character, capabilities, and personal qualities rather than solely focusing on qualifications.
WE PAY most of our hiring fees directly to the Connectors who assist our business partners in identifying their ideal employees.
WE ARE thousands of leaders who have spent our entire professional careers developing much of the American workforce, creating a more innovative hiring and job search solution.
Risk-free for our Business Partners. Always free for Job Seekers and Connectors.
Thousands connecting and match making the right person for the right job.
Our partner businesses' hiring budget is shared with humans, not ads.
Experience The Hiring Power of Connection
Hire smarter with Dalton Connection, escape the monotony of traditional employee sourcing systems, and seize the opportunity to revolutionize the hiring landscape. Join forces with Dalton Connection for your hiring needs, and together, we can reshape the way America hires.
"It's not what you know, It's who you know"
Don't ask job applicants for references; ask the references for job applicants!
Sports Coaches
Sports coaches are the ultimate matchmakers for businesses and job candidates because they bring the winning combo of leadership and teamwork from the field to the boardroom, creating dream teams in the workplace.
Educators bring the perfect blend of guidance and mentorship from the classroom to the workplace, fostering a culture of continuous learning and success in the professional world.
Experts & Mentors
Experts and mentors are like the best wingmen for businesses and job candidates, leveraging their wisdom and support to create powerful connections that lead to professional success and personal growth.
College Professors
College professors are the ultimate bridge builders for businesses and job candidates, using their expertise and academic guidance to connect bright minds with thriving opportunities in the workforce, shaping a pathway to success in the real world.
Experienced Team Builders
Educational institutions, non-profits, club sports teams, and associations cultivate vibrant internal communities and harness the power of vast networks.
Connector Login
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